Expert Cultural Consultant / Sensitivity Reader and Reviewer Service (Sensitivity Check) For Authors/Writers, Corporations, Ad Agencies, Gaming Developers
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Quick Quiz: What is wrong with this ad?”
A. I don’t see anything wrong.
B. Too much skin?
C. This Nivea ad is inferring that “fair” skin is better and that Africa-American women want “fairer” skin.
If you answered A or B, then you need a sensitivity reader.
Hi, my name is Patrice Williams Marks, and I’m a Sensitivity Reader, Sensitivity Reading Course Creator, screenwriter and novelist.
NY Times Excerpt:
“Late last year, the novelist Keira Drake announced that her publisher was giving away copies of her upcoming young adult novel, “The Continent,” a fantasy set in a world where two nations have been at war for centuries. “It’s raining books!” she wrote.
Her enthusiasm was quickly punctured. Online reviews poured in, and they were brutal. Readers pounced on what they saw as racially-charged language in the descriptions of the warring tribes and blasted it as “racist trash,” “retrograde” and “offensive.” Ms. Drake and her publisher, Harlequin Teen, apologized and delayed the book’s publication.”
The Nivea ad above (or the Dove ad shown) met a swift fate as the uproar lead them to scrap their million-dollar campaign, put out multiple fires and risk boycotts from consumers… and worse yet; one-star reviews.
Try to avoid embarrassment, boycotts or racially insensitive images or written words.
>>>VISIT MY PRESSROOM for articles, videos, press releases, downloads.
My Background:
I’m a registered Cultural Consultant and Sensitivity Reader
I’m a course creator/instructor that teaches others to become Sensitivity Readers and Cultural Consultants
I’m the author of the book, “So You Want to Be a Sensitivity Reader?“
I am the founder of a non-profit charity that works to diversify the newsroom, television and film productions. The non-profit was formed in 1992.
I am the founder of several film festivals with diverse entries from filmmakers and writers.
I have a background in public relations, marketing and journalism.
I am a professional researcher.
I am a foster parent to infants and toddlers.
I am an author of crowdfunding how-to books, an autobiography about the O.J. Simpson Trial/LA Unrest/Rodney King Verdict and how they polarized our community; and writer of historical fictions books. One of my novel series, MONTGOMERY VALE focuses on an educated, dapper bi-racial detective living during the 1930s.
I have been the guardian/pet-parent of two dogs for 16 years
My Focus Lies in Cultural / Sensitivity Issues Related to:
African-Americans, Africans, Blacks
Bi-racial individuals
Foster Parents, Foster Care
Non-fiction works
Gaming Scripts and character development, story development
Historical Fiction
Short stories, prose, poems, books, screenplays, media scripts, explainer video scripts, storyboards, produced films and television projects
Product descriptions (on large retailer sites such as Amazon, Walmart, etc.) geared toward minorities, women or foster parents/families
End of life care; palliative care
Religions: Jehovah’s Witness, Christian
Tokenism (the only person of a certain race in a group)
Reviewing ad campaigns
Animal (pet) endangerment
Interracial dating (black woman with white man BWWM)
Types of Projects I Review:
Books, Novels, Short Stories
Fiction & Non-Fiction
TV/Film Scripts
Commercial Scripts
Print Ads
Company Branding
Gaming Development
Gaming Scripts
Explainer Videos
Marketing Materials
Don’t see it here? EMAIL me.
What I Will Not Read and Review:
Works that inflame
Works that include sexual assault (may allow an exception if not done repetitively and is absolutely necessary to the story)
Works that are highly emotional (some accepted on a case by case basis)
Works with gratuitous violence, assaults, pedophilia, animal abuse
Works outside my expertise (some accepted on a case by case basis)
I reserve the right to pass on any project
What I’ll Do As a Cultural Consultant /Sensitivity Reader/Reviewer:
I’ll read your works, artwork, attachments, addendums, etc. in their entirety
I will research background information related to your project in order to become familiar with the story
I’ll bring to your attention any possible racism in your description/actions of characters or story
I’ll bring to your attention any possible stereotypes in your description/actions of characters or story
Suggest how to address the issue(s)
Review your branding for any biases, stereotypes or possibly offensive material
* I am not a proofreader or editor. My reviews are strictly related to sensitivity issues.
INDIVIDUALS: I have a minimum charge of $75 for works under 1000 words. For works 1001 words or more, price determined after review. Please contact me for an estimate. Emergency reviews with 48-hour turnaround available for additional fee. (Projects must be in finalized state; proofed and edited)
COMPANIES: Talk to me about your individualized SLA. Pricing varies by scope of content submitted for review. I work on retainer for 3, 6, 12 months. Emergency reviews with 48-hour turnaround available for additional fee. (Projects must be in finalized state; proofed and edited)
INDIVIDUALS: For projects in the development stage only. You’re able to send me material 3x a week for one week and I will give you feedback same week (during the business week only). This is not for completed projects. Contact me for pricing. Material limits apply. Emergency reviews available for additional fee.
COMPANIES: For projects in the development stage only. Talk to me about your individualized SLA. Pricing varies by scope of content submitted for review and stage of development. I work on retainer for 3, 6, 12 months. This is not for completed projects. Material limits apply. Emergency reviews available for additional fee.
Want a personal phone/video consultation? GO HERE.
Ready to Submit? But Before You Do…
If requested, I will sign a one-page confidentiality agreement
All projects (except consult projects) need to be in a finalized state; edited and proofed
I do not edit or proof
Payment must be paid in full via or check prior to any work beginning (If by check, work will commence seven (7) days after deposit to ensure it clears)
There are no refunds once work begins (see details in agreement)
I will answer your follow-up questions for up to seven (14) days after your receipt of the review
DISCLAIMER: Everyone has biases, including me. Having an objective outside eye review your work may catch your biases. I cannot guarantee that I will catch everything and that it will be free from bias, but I will do my best. Hiring me as a cultural consultant / sensitivity reader does not absolve your work from possible criticism, nor do I speak for every person who falls within your scope of work. Hiring me is not an endorsement of any project. It is also a good idea to hire more than one sensitivity reader.
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