COVER REVEAL: Montgomery Vale, Scorched


It has been a wonderful two months after the release of THE ABDUCTION OF NELLY DON. Thank you to everyone who has purchased the paperback, or downloaded your copy.

I am thankful for all the thoughtful and sometimes deeply personal reviews that you have written.

I did notice a trend, however, where several of you asked what I was going to release next.

Here it is: MONTGOMERY VALE – Scorched.

This is book one of a three part series. The first book will be released before the end of the year.

I would describe Montgomery Vale as a black James Bond. However, there are quite a few differences between the two.

Montgomery Vale lives in the 1930s. He was born into wealth and raised in Europe, though his parents were US citizens. He never met his parents and was raised by a wealthy uncle. His uncle made sure that Montgomery was brought up with all the privileges due a boy of his stature, despite his skin color.

Notwithstanding his affection for his uncle, Montgomery never accepted that his parents were forever gone. He studied and developed detective skills in order to find them. Unfortunately, thus far, he has come up empty.

Once his uncle passes away and leaves his entire estate his only heir, Montgomery Vale returns to the United States in order to pursue his mission. He purchases a mansion with the use of a proxy, in order to conceal his identity.

However, European authorities have come to depend on Montgomery whenever there’s a case they can’t solve. Montgomery uses his many talents to infiltrate, track and solve cases before he returns home.

The first documented case involves The Hindenburg, The Nazi War Machine, and a Mysterious Sexy Double Agent.

I hope you’ll find this first installment as thrilling as Nelly Don.

Let me know what you think.