Articles With Patrice Williams Marks as the Interviewee, as Well as Articles Written By Patrice Williams Marks
VIDEO: Hidden Gems Author Podcast What is Sensitivity Reading and do you need one?
ARTICLE INTERVIEW: USA Today For New Year Resolutions, Focus on Social Justice Instead of Diet and Dates (Or download pdf article here).
VIDEO: France 24 TV Interview
VIDEO: 268 Censure Liberte Squelette Interview (Find me starting at 1:37)
LIST: Sensitivity Reading Articles
Sensitivity Reading List of Articles, Podcast Episodes
SITE: Hidden Gems Books
How I Became a Sensitivity Reader
Society (French Magazine)
Warning? Reading Sensitive – Interviewed Patrice Williams Marks
SITE: Children’s Book Insider Magazine
What is a Sensitivity Reader and Why Would I Need One? Interviewed Patrice Williams Marks
SITE: Medium
Articles written by Patrice Williams Marks
SITE: Writer Unboxed
What is a Sensitivity Reader and can I become one?
SITE: Fussy Librarian
How to get started as a Sensitivity Reader
SITE: Fussy Librarian
What the heck is Sensitivity Reading, anyway?
Will your writing change after working with a Sensitivity Reader?
Sensitivity Readers: Myths debunked