Montgomery Vale, Scorched To Be Released February 10, 2016

cover_1I am so excited to say that the second draft of MONTGOMERY VALE, SCORCHED just came back from the editor, so you’ll have a pretty good idea of what I’ll be doing over the holidays!

Once I make those changes, it’ll be sent to a second editor. Once I include the new set of changes, it’ll then go into production to be made available wide, across all platforms as an ebook and paperback.

I love this guy, Montgomery Vale. He has a tragic past, but it’s made him who he is today… if today were 1937. It was exciting to create a black James Bond-type character based in the 1930s who doesn’t use a gun, even in life-threatening situations.

Montgomery Vale is full of action, suspense and romance. I can’t wait to get started on Book 2 in the series. Yes, this is book 1 of a new series, however, every book is a stand-alone story.

Below is the description of the storyline in book 1. What do you think?

FYI: The book is now up for Pre-order on Amazon and iTunes. Can’t wait? I’m looking for avid readers who’ll get their hands on the pre-release, then review on the day of release. Is that you? If so, CLICK HERE to complete a quick sign-up process.

The year is 1937 and England’s well-respected investigator, Montgomery Vale is aboard the Hindenburg, determined to find answers about his family’s mysterious past. But, an even more disturbing mystery derails him along the way.

Moments after discovering a dead man in the smoking lounge, a bomb goes off, downing the Hindenburg and leaving Montgomery dumbfounded as to how the two horrific events are connected. What he doesn’t yet realize is just how much more danger is lurking.

Teaming up with a local police chief in New York, Montgomery goes on a search for answers. His quest will expose him to a tangled web of deceit and betrayal. However, his efforts will not go unnoticed and soon he’ll find himself a target of sadistic conspirators and one equally distracting woman, who just may alter his destiny.

Can Montgomery solve the case before more lives are lost, including his own?

One Comment On “Montgomery Vale, Scorched To Be Released February 10, 2016”

  1. Questions? Comments? I look forward to answering them.

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